How can I install aviation obstruction lights in my building?

Emily Watson
3 min readMay 27, 2024

Aviation obstruction lights play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of air travel in Singapore. These lights mark structures that pose potential hazards to aircraft, such as tall buildings, towers, and wind turbines. By making these obstacles visible to pilots, especially during nighttime or poor weather conditions, aviation obstruction lights help prevent collisions and protect lives.

Importance of Aviation Obstruction Lights

  1. Safety for Pilots and Passengers: The primary purpose of aviation obstruction lights is to prevent accidents. When pilots can clearly see obstacles from a distance, they have ample time to adjust their flight path, reducing the risk of collisions.
  2. Compliance with Regulations: Most countries have strict regulations mandating the installation of obstruction lights on tall structures. Adhering to these regulations is not only a legal requirement but also a demonstration of responsible ownership and concern for public safety. Hence. It’s essential to reach out to a licensed aircraft obstruction light supplier in Singapore to install the light safely.
  3. Visibility in All Conditions: Aviation obstruction lights are designed to be highly visible in various weather conditions, including fog, rain, and snow. This visibility ensures that structures are noticeable regardless of environmental factors, thereby enhancing overall safety.

Steps to Install Aviation Obstruction Lights

If you’re planning to install aviation obstruction lights in your building, here are a few steps you should follow:

  1. Assess Your Structure: The first step is to determine whether your structure requires aviation obstruction lights. Generally, structures over 200 feet tall or those located near airports need these lights. Check local regulations to confirm specific requirements when installing an aviation obstruction light in Singapore.
  2. Choose the Right Type of Light: There are different types of aviation obstruction lights, including red lights for night use and white strobe lights for day and night use. The choice depends on the height of the structure and the regulatory guidelines in your area.
  3. Hire a Professional: Installing aviation obstruction lights is a technical task that should be handled by professionals. Engage a certified contractor with experience in installing these lights to ensure they are correctly positioned and securely mounted.
  4. Obtain Necessary Permits: Before installing an aviation obstruction light, you may need to secure permits from aviation authorities or local government bodies in Singapore. Ensure you have all the required approvals to avoid legal issues.
  5. Install the lights. Once you have chosen a contractor and obtained permits, proceed with the installation. Ensure that the lights are installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications and regulatory standards.
  6. Regular Maintenance: After installation, regular maintenance is crucial to ensuring the lights remain operational. Schedule periodic inspections and promptly replace any faulty lights to maintain compliance and safety.

Aviation obstruction lights are essential for the safety of air navigation. They provide crucial visibility for pilots, ensuring that tall structures are easily noticeable and thereby reducing the risk of in-flight collisions. Wealth Marine Pte Ltd. supplies aviation obstruction lights, marine lanterns, and other navigational equipement in Singapore. Check out!

